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山本商店公式オンラインショップ![]() |
Hiroichi Yamamoto founded H. Yamamoto & Co., Ltd.(Yamamoto Shouten)
in Kobe, in 1911.
This century-old family business is today helmed by our current president, the founder's grandson.
In those early days, H. Yamamoto & Co., Ltd. mainly exported hosiery products to India.
The president would pack the products himself, since professional packaging for export was unknown at the time.
近代化によってさまざまな日本の産業が発展する中、神戸は日本三大港の一つとして外国との貿易が活発に。山本商店もソウルや大連、奉天、ハルピン、ボンベイ、カルカッタ、ラングーン、ブエノスアイレスなどの海外駐在事務所を開設し、従業員も300人程度となり最盛期を迎える。 | Many leading industries emerged in Japan as the century modernized after World War 1. Kobe meanwhile, began to develop as a major international trading hub, one of Japan's three largest ports. It was a golden age for H. Yamamoto & Co., Ltd.,which grew to 300 employees and opened representive offices in Seoul, Dalian, Shenyang, Harbin, Mumbai, Calcutta, Yangon andBuenos Aires, among many other location around the world. |
1927年の金融恐慌から始まった世界恐慌により一旦事業を整理。その後、盛り返すものの第二次世界大戦と敗戦により休業状態に。1995年には阪神・淡路大震災で被災を経験しながらも、常に立ち上がってきた。 The 1927 financial crisis in Japan was folled by what ulitimately become known as the Great Depression. H. Yamamoto & C0., Ltd. responsed with a major restructing. However, just as it was establishing a path towards a clear recovery, operations came to an abrupt hat durning World War Ⅱ, resuming only after Japan's surrender. Years later came more despair as the family business was badly damaged by the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. Yet throughout these historical ordeals the company has always been able to prevall. |
In 1994, the company was appointer as the sole and exclusive distributer of the renowned Italian chocolate brand, Caffarel.
The same year, the company opened its first directly managed retail store in the former foreign settlemant of Kobe.
Building on this, the import business was enjoying strong growth, particularly imports of food items from Europe, and was ready to be extended to the retail business.
Ever-since the opening of its port, Kobe has consistently developed strong bonds with the international community throughout every era. Benefiting from this cultural atmosphere and developing a sharp eye for highly refined sensibility, the H. Yamamoto & Co.,Ltd. is proud to bring their customers the most selected items from around the world.
創業より1世紀。山本商店の看板とともに歴史と伝統を脈々と受け継いできたことは社員全員のゆるぎない誇りとなっています。 その伝統を守りながらも、山本商店は常に進取の精神でこれからも発展し続けて参ります。 |
A century has passed since the company's foundation. All staff of H. Yamamoto & Co., Ltd. are proud of their role in preserving the history, tradition and reputation for which the company is known. However ehile retaining that tradition, the company will never lose its enterprising spirit and will look ahead to the future. |
How we look forward to journey in the next one hundred years,
proudly taken together with the City of Kobe.